Terms and Conditions, Confidentiality and Privacy Statements
Please be aware that any appointments booked must be cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment, or the charge for that appointment may still be applied. Clients are asked to settle their bills at the end of a therapy session, unless a prior agreement has been made, such as with a health insurer. Further sessions will not be booked if fees are outstanding.
Health insurance clients will be liable for any fees unpaid by their insurer, e.g. their excess charge. Please check that your health insurance is valid and that you are aware of any excess charges prior to booking.
Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate client's needs, please note, that clients who take a break from therapy might need to wait until Dr Barker has space in her caseload to allocate an appointment.
Your confidentiality is of the utmost importance to Dr Barker.
Dr Barker is registered with the Information Commissioners Office. In terms of confidentiality all of your information is stored securely and in line with ICO regulations. Your therapy information will be kept for six years and you are able to request copies of your notes if required. There may be a small charge to cover photocopying, postage and administration time. Third parties are not able to receive copies of your notes without your signed authority (please see exceptions below) and accompanying photocopied proof of your identity which includes your signature (e.g. a driving licence).
It is part of Dr Barker’s contract with Health Insurance Companies that they may require reports on insured client’s therapy progress and may at some time request access to therapy notes for audit purposes.
For medico-legally funded cases there is an obligation to provide reports on therapy progress to assist the legal process. These reports will be forwarded to the instructing solicitor, but also seen by other professionals involved in settling your case.
It is normal practice to communicate with a client’s general practitioner or another referring doctor. If you have concerns about this, please discuss with Dr Barker prior to assessment.
There are some exceptional grounds when your confidentiality cannot be maintained. These are if you or someone else is at risk of harm or if a court subpoena or police warrant is presented. These situations are exceptionally rare. Further details are included in my Fair Processing notices.
In order to ensure Dr Barker’s psychological assessment and therapy work remains of the highest standard and to meet the requirements of continued registration with the HCPC and the BPS, Dr Barker has supervision with other qualified mental health professionals. Your case may be discussed; however, your name and any personal identifying features will not be disclosed.
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Please be aware that whilst Dr Barker uses appropriate internet security measures she cannot be held responsible for the safe transit of unencrypted emails coming in through the contact box on the website. Therefore, she recommends that information sent through the contact box is not of a personal nature and that you request a call-back if you do want to discuss such topics. Alternatively, you may wish to email her an encrypted document via your email to helen@flowpsychology.co.uk .